During today's meeting it was mentioned that the bundle type that was chosen for prescription is "list". After preliminary checks, it seems that "document" is more appropriate since the resources form a logical entity and are not a bunch of arbitrary resources happened to be together during transmission.
Bundle of "document" type uses "Composition" resource which would be a good place to tell that this a digital prescription.
Composition type ( https://hl7.org/fhir/composition-definitions.html#Composition.type ) should use LOINC, which has appropriate (I think) code: https://loinc.org/57828-6/
Opinion: Composition makes more sense than a List:
For example, when a doctor signs on something, he/she signs on the document, not on each line of the prescription.
In general, we are replacing a single "real life" document here.
What exactly do you mean by that? Also, who/what is "the client" here?
Does the List have "medications" code?
Can you please elaborate?
If a prescription is stored in a FHIR server, with the currently suggested data model, what is the search to be performed to find all prescriptions on that server that belong to this pilot/project?